Expert Advisory Council Reference
This page provides a reference for Expert Advisory Council members to use in editing and updating entry pages.
For information about how you can contribute to the site, please see the Contribution Guide.
Contents |
Information Requests
Here is a sample template that can be used to register interest in a new entry when received by a site user:
{{Request | source=Information Request | description=Plant (plant part) (''Scientific name'') }}
Editing the appropriate page to add the above template will add a corresponding link to the automated Category:Information Request listing.
All Botanicals / Macroscopy
Senior Editors may add unlisted species may be added by searching for the proposed exact entry name on the left and following the directions to create a new page. Directions will then appear for using the Templates to add additional information.
To add general information about a botanical, including organoleptic and gross methods of identification, there is a generic Botanical Template/
Macroscopy Template prepared for your convenience. For more specific types of data,
Microscopy Template and
High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography Template are also available.
Adding [[Category:Botanical]]
to a page description will also add it to the Category:Botanical list, but each page entry will not be automatically updated to follow the current style guide if the templates are not used.
Microscopy Entries
Editors may add unlisted species to the Microscopy category by searching for the proposed exact entry name on the left or looking for the species in the All Botanicals category list, then proceeding to either edit or create the appropriate page. Directions will then appear for using the Templates to add additional information (currently either
Microscopy Template or
High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography Template).
Adding [[Category:Microscopy]]
to a page description will also add it to this entry list, but the page will not be automatically updated to follow the current style guide if used in lieu of the Microscopy template.
HPTLC Entries
Editors may add unlisted species to the HPTLC entries by searching for the proposed exact entry name on the left or looking for the species in the All Botanicals category list, then proceeding to either edit or create the appropriate page.
Directions will then appear for using the Templates to add additional information (currently either Microscopy Template or
High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography Template).
Adding [[Category:HPTLC]]
to a page description will also add it to this list, but the page will not be automatically updated to follow the current style guide if used in lieu of the HPTLC template.
Page creation
Guidelines for making a new entry
It is recommended to use an appropriate template for adding new botanical entries.
There are currently the following templates available:
High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography Template
Replace the placeholder information in the example from the template you wish to use with the necessary information on your new entry, and delete lines with any categories which you do not have data. They will be replaced by a placeholder on the saved page or hidden, as appropriate.
Further information is available through the Expert Advisory Council Reference in the Community Portal. After saving, the entry will be formatted the same way as the others and be included in the general listing.
Please include a standard biographical information in the source line to have your contributions properly credited and grouped. All entries made with the same source tag will be made into a category which users can easily browse directly.
Helpful references (textbooks, etc.) can be suggested through the "reference" tag, as detailed in each template.