Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (leaf)

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{{DISPLAYTITLE:'' Arctostaphylos uva-ursi'' (leaf) }} {{askbox|herb=''Arctostaphylos uva-ursi''}}
=Macroscopic Entries=
=Microscopic Entries=
{{Microscopy | source=Elan M. Sudberg, Alkemist Laboratories-British Pharmacopoeia, 2011
{{nomenclature | binomial=Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
|authority=(L.) Spreng.
|aka=bearberry; kinnickinick
|notes= }}
=Botanical Voucher Specimen=
{{Media2    |cat=Voucher
            | source=MOBOT,
            | mainimage=Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Tropicos 100131549.jpg
            | companyimage=TropicosLogo.gif
            | companyURL=
            | Missouri Botanical Garden. 06 Aug 2013 <>
            | companyimage2=Kewlogo.gif
            | companyURL2=
            | image2=Arctostaphylos_uva-ursi_Kew_imageBarcode=K000534677_203247.jpg
            | source2=Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
            | }}
=Organoleptic Characteristics=
=Macroscopic Characteristics=
{| border=1
{{Macroscopy | source=American Medicinal Plants of Commercial Importance (1930)
| description=The bearberry is a low, much-branched shrub trailing over the ground and having numerous leathery evergreen leaves about 1 inch in length.  The waxy flowers, which appear in May, are few and are borne in short, drooping clusters at the ends of the branches.  They are white with a pinkish tinge, 5-lobed, and somewhat bell-shaped in form.  Smooth, red, globular fruits containing five nutlets follow the flowers.
{{ Media2    | cat=Macroscopy
            | source=PlantaPhile
            | mainimage=PlantaPhile - 305.jpg
            | companyimage=PlantaPhile logo.jpg
            | companyURL=
            | source2=PlantaPhile
            | image2=PlantaPhile - 2549.jpg
            | companyimage2=PlantaPhile logo.jpg
            | companyURL2=
            | }}
=Microscopic Characteristics=
{{Media2 |cat=Microscopy | source=Elan M. Sudberg, Alkemist Laboratories
             | companyimage= AP-LOGO-Laboratories Crop - Copy.jpg
             | companyimage= AP-LOGO-Laboratories Crop - Copy.jpg
             | companyURL=
             | companyURL=
             | mainimage=Uva_Ursi_-_Alkemist_Laboratories.jpg
             | mainimage=Uva_Ursi_-_Alkemist_Laboratories.jpg
             | caption1=Polygonal upper epidermis observed at 400x with Acidified Chloral Hydrate Glycerol Solution.
             | caption1=Polygonal upper epidermis observed at 400x with Acidified Chloral Hydrate Glycerol Solution.
             | description= Uva-ursi (leaf) (''Arctostaphylos uva-ursi'')
| source2=Elan M. Sudberg, Alkemist Laboratories
             | companyimage2= AP-LOGO-Laboratories Crop - Copy.jpg
            | companyURL2=
             | image2=Uva_Ursi-1_-_Alkemist_Laboratories.jpg
             | image2=Uva_Ursi-1_-_Alkemist_Laboratories.jpg
             | caption2=Lower epidermis of leaf showing large orbicular stomata observed at 400x with Acidified Chloral Hydrate Glycerol Solution.
             | caption2=Lower epidermis of leaf showing large orbicular stomata observed at 400x with Acidified Chloral Hydrate Glycerol Solution.
             | characteristics=cellular structures identified in this botanical specimen are the polygonal upper epidermis and the lower epidermis of leaf showing large orbicular stomata when observed at 400x with Acidified Chloral Hydrate Glycerol Solution.
             | characteristics=cellular structures identified in this botanical specimen are the polygonal upper epidermis and the lower epidermis of leaf showing large orbicular stomata when observed at 400x with Acidified Chloral Hydrate Glycerol Solution.
            | reference=British Pharmacopoeia, 2011.
             | }}
             | }}
=HPTLC Entries=
=High Performance Thin Layer Chromatographic Identification=
=Other Points of Interest=
{{HPTLC | source=HPTLC Association
            | companyimage=HPTLC-assoc-Logo-farbig-Text-schwarz-300x47.png
            | companyURL=
            | mainimage=Arctostaphylos uva ursi-hptlc-association.png
            | caption1=Uva-ursi (leaf) HPTLC ID - DQC reagent, white RT
            | description=Uva-ursi (leaf) (''Arctostaphylos uva-ursi'')
            | stationaryphase=Stationary phase, i.e. Silica gel 60, F254
            | mobilephase=Ethyl acetate, formic acid, water 88:6:6 (v/v/v)
            | prep=Sample: Mix 500 mg of powdered sample with 5 mL of methanol-water 1:1 and sonicate for 10 minutes at 60°C, then centrifuge or filter the solutations and use the supernatants / filtrates as test solutions.
Derivatization reagent: 2,6-Dichloroquinone-4-chloroimide (DQC) reagent Preparation: 250 mg of DQC are dissolved in 50 mL of methanol.  Use: Spray, dry in a stream of cold air for 3 min, expose to ammonia vapor (hold plate in a tank saturated with 32% ammonia) for 2 s or until blue zones are visible.
            | detection=Saturated chamber; developing distance 70 mm from lower edge; relative humidity 33%
            | referencesamples=Reference: Dissolve 2.5 mg of arbutin in 1 mL of methanol.  Dissolve 2.5 mg of hydroquinone in 1mL of methanol.  Optional: Dissolve 2.5 mg of gallic acid in 1 mL of methanol.
            | lanes=Lanes, from left to right (Track, Volume, Sample):
# 1 μL Uva ursi leaf 1
# 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 1
# 4 μL Uva ursi leaf 1
# 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 2
# 2 μL Arbutin, hydroquinone (with increasing Rf)
# 2 μL Gallic acid
# 1 μL Uva ursi leaf 3
# 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 3
# 4 μL Uva ursi leaf 3
# 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 4
# 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 5 (old)
# 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 6 (old)
# 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 7 (old)
# 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 8 (old)
# 2 μL Uva ursi leaf powdered (old)
            | notes=''Images presented in this entry are examples and are not intended to be used as basis for setting specifications for quality control purposes.''
System suitability test:
Arbutin: blue zone at Rf ~ 0.27.
Hydroquinone: brown zone at Rf ~ 0.87.
Compare result with reference images.  The fingerprint of the test solution is similar to that of the corresponding botanical reference sample.  Additional weak zones may be present.  The chromatogram of the test solution shows an intense blue zone at Rf ~ 0.27 corresponding to reference substance arbutin.  Above it there is another blue zone Rf ~ 0.40 and overlapping a very broad and diffuse brown zone.  A faint brown zone is seen at Rf ~ 0.75 (gallic acid).  Some samples show a faint brown zone at Rf ~ 0.87 (hydroquinone).
            | }}
=Supplementary Information=
<references />

Latest revision as of 17:00, 16 June 2015

AHPA recognizes other valuable resources exist regarding the identity of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.

To submit a suggestion or contribution, please contact Merle Zimmermann.



Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng.   Ericaceae  
Standardized common name (English): uva-ursi

Botanical Voucher Specimen

bottomright bottomright

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Tropicos 100131549.jpg
Source: MOBOT,[1]

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Kew imageBarcode=K000534677 203247.jpg
Source: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.[2]

Organoleptic Characteristics

Macroscopic Characteristics

The bearberry is a low, much-branched shrub trailing over the ground and having numerous leathery evergreen leaves about 1 inch in length. The waxy flowers, which appear in May, are few and are borne in short, drooping clusters at the ends of the branches. They are white with a pinkish tinge, 5-lobed, and somewhat bell-shaped in form. Smooth, red, globular fruits containing five nutlets follow the flowers.

Source: American Medicinal Plants of Commercial Importance (1930) [3]

bottomright bottomright

PlantaPhile - 305.jpg
Source: PlantaPhile[4]

PlantaPhile - 2549.jpg
Source: PlantaPhile[5]

Microscopic Characteristics

bottomright bottomright

Uva Ursi - Alkemist Laboratories.jpg
Polygonal upper epidermis observed at 400x with Acidified Chloral Hydrate Glycerol Solution.
Source: Elan M. Sudberg, Alkemist Laboratories[6]

Uva Ursi-1 - Alkemist Laboratories.jpg
Lower epidermis of leaf showing large orbicular stomata observed at 400x with Acidified Chloral Hydrate Glycerol Solution.
Source: Elan M. Sudberg, Alkemist Laboratories[7]

High Performance Thin Layer Chromatographic Identification

Uva-ursi (leaf) HPTLC ID - DQC reagent, white RT

Uva-ursi (leaf) (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

Lane Assignments Lanes, from left to right (Track, Volume, Sample):

  1. 1 μL Uva ursi leaf 1
  2. 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 1
  3. 4 μL Uva ursi leaf 1
  4. 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 2
  5. 2 μL Arbutin, hydroquinone (with increasing Rf)
  6. 2 μL Gallic acid
  7. 1 μL Uva ursi leaf 3
  8. 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 3
  9. 4 μL Uva ursi leaf 3
  10. 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 4
  11. 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 5 (old)
  12. 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 6 (old)
  13. 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 7 (old)
  14. 2 μL Uva ursi leaf 8 (old)
  15. 2 μL Uva ursi leaf powdered (old) 

Reference Sample(s) Reference: Dissolve 2.5 mg of arbutin in 1 mL of methanol. Dissolve 2.5 mg of hydroquinone in 1mL of methanol. Optional: Dissolve 2.5 mg of gallic acid in 1 mL of methanol. 

Stationary Phase Stationary phase, i.e. Silica gel 60, F254 

Mobile Phase Ethyl acetate, formic acid, water 88:6:6 (v/v/v) 

Sample Preparation Method Sample: Mix 500 mg of powdered sample with 5 mL of methanol-water 1:1 and sonicate for 10 minutes at 60°C, then centrifuge or filter the solutations and use the supernatants / filtrates as test solutions.

Derivatization reagent: 2,6-Dichloroquinone-4-chloroimide (DQC) reagent Preparation: 250 mg of DQC are dissolved in 50 mL of methanol. Use: Spray, dry in a stream of cold air for 3 min, expose to ammonia vapor (hold plate in a tank saturated with 32% ammonia) for 2 s or until blue zones are visible. 

Detection Method Saturated chamber; developing distance 70 mm from lower edge; relative humidity 33% 

Other Notes Images presented in this entry are examples and are not intended to be used as basis for setting specifications for quality control purposes.

System suitability test: Arbutin: blue zone at Rf ~ 0.27. Hydroquinone: brown zone at Rf ~ 0.87.

Identification: Compare result with reference images. The fingerprint of the test solution is similar to that of the corresponding botanical reference sample. Additional weak zones may be present. The chromatogram of the test solution shows an intense blue zone at Rf ~ 0.27 corresponding to reference substance arbutin. Above it there is another blue zone Rf ~ 0.40 and overlapping a very broad and diffuse brown zone. A faint brown zone is seen at Rf ~ 0.75 (gallic acid). Some samples show a faint brown zone at Rf ~ 0.87 (hydroquinone).

Source: HPTLC Association [8]

Supplementary Information


  1. MOBOT,
  2. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  3. American Medicinal Plants of Commercial Importance (1930)
  4. PlantaPhile
  5. PlantaPhile
  6. Elan M. Sudberg, Alkemist Laboratories
  7. Elan M. Sudberg, Alkemist Laboratories
  8. HPTLC Association
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